
Divento has 5 projects with a total generation capacity of 3 GW, helping establish Italy as a world leader in floating offshore wind energy.

The Divento portfolio


Strait of Sicily

South West Sardinia


North East Sardinia


North East Sardinia

Key elements in floating offshore wind

Diagram of how offshore wind works

What activities are being undertaken by Divento?

Development, planning, and execution of floating offshore wind farms in Italy.

Securing environmental permitting through official processes with the responsible ministries.

Achieving Contract for Differences agreements through government auction.

Constructing the projects.

Why Floating Offshore Wind?

Floating offshore wind technology presents a significant opportunity for Italy to harness its abundant wind resources and meet its renewable energy goals, despite being surrounded by deep water. This technology offers the potential to seed a new and innovative industrial sector, creating employment and export opportunities.

Harnessing Deep Water Wind Resources

Unlike many regions, including the North Sea, Italy’s coastal waters are predominantly deep, with depths greatly exceeding 50 meters. This makes traditional fixed-bottom offshore wind farms impractical in locations with minimal environmental impact. Floating offshore wind technology is designed for deeper waters, with our projects situated several hundred meters deep. Floating technology enables the placement of wind farms in optimal wind conditions, far from the coast in suitable locations.

Minimal Environmental and Visual Impact

Locating wind farms further offshore reduces their visual impact on coastal communities and minimizes potential environmental disturbances. The Divento floating wind farms are carefully sited in areas with strong wind resources, away from sensitive marine habitats and migratory bird paths, preserving the natural beauty and biodiversity of coastal areas.

Technological Advancements

Floating offshore wind turbines are anchored using buoyant foundations and multiple anchor points, ensuring stability amid high winds and strong swells. This evolving technology has proven effective in various marine conditions. Deploying turbines in deeper waters opens vast areas of the ocean previously inaccessible for wind energy projects.

Economic and Policy Support

The development of floating offshore wind farms requires substantial initial investment and policy support. Italy stands to benefit from European Union funding and national initiatives  aimed at expanding renewable energy infrastructure. Investment in deep-water port facilities and supply chain collaboration is crucial for the commercial viability of floating wind, driving economic growth and job creation in the renewable energy sector

Pioneering Sustainable Energy Solutions

By adopting floating offshore wind technology, Italy can position itself as a leader in innovative renewable energy solutions. This approach aids in achieving decarbonization targets while enhancing energy security and independence. The commitment to floating wind underscores Italy’s dedication to sustainable development and the transition to a greener economy. Furthermore, Divento is seeding a new industrial sector, creating substantial employment opportunities that support the energy transition and providing the conditions to develop an export industry, thereby enhancing Italy’s position in the global renewable energy sector.

Collaboration and Expertise

The Divento projects leverage the expertise of the partners, including leading renewable energy players and industrial partners moving into the renewables sector, fostering collaborations across the industry. This cooperative approach accelerates technological advancements and reduces costs, making floating wind a commercially viable and scalable solution for Italy’s energy needs. The partnership brings organizational depth and strength, along with technical and operational capabilities, enacted through its dedicated team in Italy, ensuring the successful implementation of these innovative projects.

What stage are the projects at and what benefits do they bring?

Early site analysis


Preliminary design


Environmental permitting process


Energy auction process


Detail design including turbine and floating foundation


Formal agreement with contractors




Benefits of Floating Offshore Wind Projects in Italy

Italy’s commitment to renewable energy is exemplified through the development of floating offshore wind projects. These projects offer significant benefits across various domains, including economic growth, societal impact, and environmental sustainability.

Economic Benefits

Job Creation

Construction Phase: The development of each floating offshore wind farm is expected to generate more than one thousand construction jobs for each project. This boost in employment will have a positive impact on local economies, particularly in coastal regions.

Operation Phase: Once operational, these projects will create hundreds of direct and indirect jobs for each project, providing long-term employment opportunities and contributing to economic stability.

Export Opportunities

The expertise and infrastructure developed through these projects will position Italy as a leader in the floating offshore wind industry, allowing the country to export knowledge and technology to other markets, further boosting the economy.

Energy Security and Independence

Stable Energy Supply

The floating offshore wind farms will provide a reliable and sustainable energy source, contributing to the stability and resilience of Italy’s electrical grid. This enhances energy security for all citizens by reducing the risk of energy shortages and price volatility.

Reducing Imports

By harnessing its territorial wind resources, Italy can reduce its reliance on imported fossil fuels, enhancing national energy security and promoting energy independence.

Infrastructure Development

Port and Harbour Upgrades

The projects will necessitate the development of deep-water port facilities and other infrastructure improvements, which will have lasting benefits for Italy’s maritime industry and local economies.

Energy Grid Upgrades

Well managed utility scale projects developed by strong and reliable partners enable Terna to plan and implement long term energy transmission infrastructure plans which support Italy’s energy transition objectives.

Societal Benefits

Community Engagement

Engaging with local communities is a priority, ensuring transparent communication and active participation in the development process. This fosters trust and supports opportunities in the local economy.

Economic Uplift

The creation of jobs and infrastructure development provides a significant economic uplift to local communities, promoting regional development and stability.

Environmental Benefits

Out of Sight

The wind farms in Sicily and Sardinia are located more than 30 km offshore from, virtually eliminating visual impact on coastal landscapes and minimizing interference with coastal activities.

Protecting Avifauna

The wind farm locations ensure minimal impact on local and migratory bird species and are subject to detailed environmental monitoring.

Protecting Seabed and 
Marine Species

Floating wind turbines are anchored using buoyant foundations, which do not require extensive seabed alterations, preserving marine ecosystems and reducing environmental disruption.

Protecting Seabed and 
Marine Species

The careful placement of wind farms in areas of strong wind resources, away from sensitive marine habitats and migratory bird paths, helps protect biodiversity and maintain ecological balance.

Supporting Climate Goals

Carbon Reduction

The renewable energy generated by these projects will significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions, contributing to Italy’s efforts to achieve net-zero carbon emissions and combat climate change.

Wide ranging benefits for Italy and the environment

The Divento floating offshore wind projects represent a transformative step for Italy, offering substantial economic, societal, and environmental benefits. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and strategic partnerships, Italy can lead the way in sustainable energy production, ensuring a greener and more prosperous future for its citizens.